Sites outside Michigan

Institutions who wish to participate with MPOG will incur costs to participate. During the first year, the costs are to implement MPOG at your institution. Additionally, MPOG charges yearly fees to offset administrative costs. This page outlines the estimated costs to join and participate. 



During the implementation phase (~6 – 12 months) sites should allocate clinical, IT and project management resources. These resources will be necessary whether you plan to participate in the research or quality improvement missions of MPOG. Based on previous experience we recommend that a clinical resource is allocated at approximately 0.4 FTE during implementation and 0.2 FTE once the extract is completed and a site is live. Clinical resources can include clinical research coordinator, quality improvement nurse, CRNA, or anesthesiologist.

The anesthesia information management system that you have in your hospital can affect the resources required for implementation. We have worked with Epic to build an extract that you can install at your site with the help of your Epic Technical Services (TS) representative. We also have significant experience with GE Centricity and Cerner. For other anesthesia systems, a site will have to rely on their IT team to build an extract to MPOG and plan on devoting an extra 2.5x the development effort (75%).

Estimated FTE Requirements to for MPOG Implementation:

Clinical Team
Development Team
Project Management
Implementation of Interface (6 – 12 months)

Estimated software/ hardware costs:

Computer Equipment and SoftwareEstimated Cost
SQL Server 2012 R2 or newer (physical or virtual)$8,000
SQL Server 2012 R2 or newer site license $5,000
Estimated total first year /b)$13,000


MPOG requires a yearly fee schedule to defray staff costs at the Coordinating Center.  The fee schedule will comprise of the following tiers, based on each sites level of participation with MPOG.

  • Tier A : MPOG Research + Departmental QI, $15k/year for primary hospital and $2,500/year for each additional hospital.  Tier A sites will be provided technical infrastructure to submit data to MPOG, conduct data analysis, and participate in MPOG scholarly activities.  Sites will have access to use DataDirect for cohort identification and data download. Practice leaders will also have access to the institutional ASPIRE dashboard, and participate in Quality Committee.
  • Tier B: MPOG Research + Department QI + Provider Feedback. $25k/year for primary hospital and $2,500/year for each additional hospital.  Tier B sites participate in Tier A activities, plus receive individual provider feedback, with individual provider access to the ASPIRE dashboard.  Tier B also enables sites to offer MOCA Pt IV credit to their providers.

For more information, see Tiers of Service page.

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