Standardized Data File

The standardized data file (SDF) is a pre-packaged MPOG dataset that is ready to distribute quickly after an approved PCRC proposal. The SDF contains key case level demographic and administrative data, ICD 9/10 codes, CPT codes, popular phenotypes, and all quality measures data for each included case. The goal of the SDF is to make it easier and faster for programmers to provide researchers with high-quality, clean data.

Key Facts

  • A new SDF will be released annually with additional data from new MPOG centers, more recent cases, and additional validated phenotypes
  • All included cases must meet the intraoperative research standard 
  • Only cases from active MPOG institutions in the United States are included
  • Includes MPOG cases for 6 consecutive years
  • Any updates to phenotypes or site data will not be updated in the standardized data file until the next year’s version is released

Accessing The Standardized Data File

  • To access the SDF, researchers go through the typical PCRC proposal and presentation process
  • Instead of including a query spec, researchers will simply request the SDF
  • The data file will include four types of tables: case level, CPT-administrative data, ICD 9/10 administrative data, and ASPIRE measures
  • The data in these tables can be linked via case ID 

User Guides

Years included: January 1, 2018 – December 31, 2023
User Guide

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