Preparing Your MPOG Manuscript

Once you have completed your research project and you’re ready to submit your manuscript for publication, please review the following guidelines prior to journal submission. 

For dissemination of study results prior to peer-reviewed manuscript publication, approval from the MPOG Perioperative Clinical Research Committee is required if the study results are made known via a permanent public record.
Prior approval required (permanent public record): 

  • Professional meeting with public indexing (e.g., ASA, IARS, SCA, SOAP, SPA, etc.)
  • Annual MPOG Retreat
  • Preprint servers (e.g., medRxiv, JMIR Preprints, F1000 Research, AMRC Open Research, etc.)
  • News, Web, or Social media (e.g., news article, interview, website, posting on Twitter/X, Slideshare, etc.)

No prior approval required (recommend transparency as to unpublished nature of results):

  • Regional, institutional, or departmental meetings without public indexing
  • Grand Rounds presentations (if slides not shared on public record, e.g. SlideShare, etc.)

For forums requiring prior approval, or for situations not described above in which a permanent public record may be uncertain, the study team must contact the MPOG Central Research Facilitation team by filling out this Microsoft Form.

When your manuscript is ready to be circulated to the PCRC, fill out the MPOG Manuscript checklist. This checklist includes running the manuscript through a plagiarism detection software. Send the completed checklist with a copy of your manuscript and name of the intended journal to

The MPOG Central team will send a copy of the manuscript, approved PCRC proposal, and the link for a Qualtrics collaborator survey to active MPOG sites. This allows members of the PCRC to review your manuscript to ensure that it meets the aims of your approved proposal, and provide suggestions for any final improvements to the manuscript. Additionally, the Qualtrics survey allows PCRC members to voice their interest in being listed as a collaborator, and attest to meeting at least one International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) criteria as described below.

Through participating in the MPOG PCRC process, it is common for resulting manuscripts to have authors from multiple institutions outside of the research PI’s home institution. MPOG typically recommends that researchers consider including the following individuals as named byline co-authors:

    1. Members of the primary author’s research team, at the discretion of primary author
    2. PCRC Moderator
    3. Primary author’s site Anesthesia IT champion
    4. For proposals seeking integrated surgical registry data (e.g. STS, NSQIP): Primary author’s site Surgery Clinical Champion or Committed Surgery Faculty designated by Surgery Clinical Champion 
    5. MPOG coordinating center faculty or staff who provided major guidance to author’s research team in regard to study design, data element selection, and data quality consideration (if applicable)
    6. Faculty or staff at MPOG institutions who had notable large scientific contributions during the PCRC meeting or on the Google Doc and were involved in preparation of the final manuscript.

Additionally, MPOG follows ICMJE website guidelines for authors of submitted manuscripts. As of January 2022, ICMJE states that authors, ICMJE states that authors must satisfy ALL four of the following criteria:

    1. Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work; AND
    2. Drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content; AND
    3. Final approval of the version to be published; AND
    4. Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.

Collaboratorship is the second category for recognition of contribution to a work, specifically for individuals who do not fulfill all ICMJE authorship criteria listed in the previous step. Collaborators are individuals who contributed significantly to the work, such as through the comments in the Google Doc for a proposal, verbal ideas during the PCRC meeting, or provided meaningful written contribution to the work. For specific proposals, collaborators often include site data validation and IT champions, the PCRC Moderator (if they do not meet the aforementioned authorship criteria) and PCRC members from various MPOG institutions. PCRC members from active institutions at the time of the original proposal presentation are invited by the MPOG Central team to fill out a Qualtrics survey, so that they can be attest to meeting at least one ICMJE criteria, and added to a collaborator recognition section in the published manuscript.

Currently, not all journals allow, or have a process for citing collaborators. However, you can find instructions below for some of the journals that allow for collaborator citations, which MPOG researchers commonly submit to.

Anesthesia and Analgesia

  • On the submission’s title page, list collaborators under a section titled “collaborators.”
  • These will then be included in a section at the end of the paper just before the acknowledgements section. 

For more information, please visit: Section 8A: Role of Authors and Contributors


  • In order for collaborators to be indexed in PubMed, the collaborator group they are a part of (i.e. MPOG) must be listed in the author byline.
  • Then, list the collaborator names in a separate paragraph below the author byline.
  • Include an additional appendix, rather than a supplemental file, with collaborator names, degrees, institutional affiliation and title. This section should also note which ICMJE criteria was fulfilled or the contribution the collaborator made in order to earn collaborator status. 

For more information, please visit: Section 1.1.3. Non-Author Collaborators


  • To ensure collaborators are PubMed indexed in the same way authors are, in the submission document, the collaborators should be listed in an index prior to the list of references.
  • The collaborator group (i.e. MPOG) should also be part of the main author list, with a note that the full list of collaborator names will be included elsewhere in the manuscript.

For more information, please visit: Section: Authorship


  • When authors are asked to revise their manuscripts, they will be provided a collaborator template on which to provide a list of collaborators and their respective information. 

For more information about JAMA’s process, please visit:  JAMA Section: Group Authorship, Subsection: Nonauthor Collaborators 

For more information about JAMA Surgery’s process, please visit: JAMA Surgery Section: Group Authorship, Subsection: Nonauthor Collaborators


  • As part of the process of manuscript submission, there will be a data field where collaborators should be listed to ensure they receive PubMed indexed recognition. 

Additional information regarding how to list collaborators is not currently available on JAMIA’s website. We will add information if and when we are able. 

Journal of Pediatrics

  • The group name of the collaborators (i.e. MPOG) should be included at the end of the list of authors.
  • An additional appendix file type, which lists all collaborators and their affiliations, should be included with the submission.

Additional information regarding how to list collaborators is not currently available on the Journal of Pediatrics’s website. We will add information if and when we are able.

Due to BCBSM financial support of MPOG’s quality goals, we request that all MPOG manuscripts include the following funding statement: 

Funding was provided by departmental and institutional resources at each contributing site. In addition, partial funding to support underlying electronic health record data collection into the Multicenter Perioperative Outcomes Group registry was provided by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan/Blue Care Network as part of the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan/Blue Care Network Value Partnerships program. Although Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan/Blue Care Network and Multicenter Perioperative Outcomes Group work collaboratively, the opinions, beliefs and viewpoints expressed by the authors do not necessarily reflect the opinions, beliefs, and viewpoints of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan/Blue Care Network or any of its employees.

For journals requesting open access to your manuscript’s data, we recommend that the following statement be included:

The datasets involved in this study are defined as limited datasets per United States Federal Regulations and require execution of a data use agreement for transfer or use of the data. They are derived from data shared within the Multicenter Perioperative Outcomes Group (MPOG). The investigative team is able to share data securely and transparently conditional on: (i) receipt of a detailed written request identifying the requestor, purpose and proposed use of the shared data, (ii) use of a secure enclave for the sharing of personally identifiable information and (iii) the request is permissible within the confines of existing data use agreements executed between MPOG members.

Please note: only active sites will have access to PCRC meeting notes and recordings.

For any inquiries please email