Welcome Temple University
Temple Health is a major Philadelphia-based academic health system that is driving medical advances through clinical innovation, pioneering research and world-class education. The health system’s 1,500+ physicians and scientists share a common mission of bringing tomorrow’s treatments to the bedside today, helping them achieve outcomes once thought impossible.1
The Department of Anesthesiology at Temple University is comprised of more than 100 clinical professionals who work cooperatively to coordinate the care and management of patients throughout the Temple University Health System. Department members can be found in the operating rooms, procedural suites, intensive care units, consulting on complex questions involving both acute and chronic pain management, and leading the institution’s critical airway team. In addition, their faculty are intimately involved with multidisciplinary teams working to improve patient preparation and conditioning for surgery, intra-operative and post-operative care pathways, the use of informatics for continuous quality improvement in healthcare, and the rational utilization of advanced technologies such as robotic surgery and extracorporeal membrane oxygenation.2
A special welcome to our partners at Temple University:
Chair: Dr. Gordon Morewood
Quality Champion: Dr. Joseph McComb
PI: Dr. Ellen Hauck
IT Champion: Dr. Scott Schartel