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Hospitals in the state of Michigan are eligible to receive funding from Blue Cross Blue Shield Michigan (BCBSM) to offset the costs of joining MPOG.

In the first year, hospitals will receive funding for servers, software, professional fee fees, and IT / Clinical staffing. After the first year, hospitals will continue to receive annual funding from BCBSM for IT and Clinical staffing to support the MPOG registry.  

2020 BCBSM Funded Site Recruitment Steps and Timeline
  1. Hospitals must review the ASPIRE Eligibility Requirements and Site Expectations
  2. Submit an application prior to June 20, 2020
  3. Hospital IT will receive MPOG’s File Checker software and MPOG Technical Implementation User’s Guide
  4. Hospital clinical team must partake in a meeting with the Coordinating Center in June, July or early August
  5. Hospital IT will send File Checker results to Coordinating Center by August 28, 2020
  6. ASPIRE will announce Cohort 6 Sites by September 18, 2020
  7. Hospital will start preparing for ASPIRE technical implementation October – December 2020, including the following:
    1. Kick-off meeting
    2. Purchase servers to house local instance of MPOG
    3. Hire Anesthesiology Clinical Quality Reviewer (ACQR)
  8. Cohort 6 sites will start technical implementation in January 2021
Test Recording

2020 Steps and Timeline


Step 2: mAY - August 2020

Hospitals must submit an online application. In order to participate, a hospital must provide extensive contact information. The application has functionality built in to save and edit at a later date, so you can gather the necessary information.  If you have any questions regarding the information requested, please contact us

2020 Steps and Timeline

Step One: Prior to Starting

Hospitals must review the ASPIRE Eligibility Requirements and Site Expectations

Step Two: May - August 2020

Hospitals must submit an online application. In order to participate, a hospital must provide extensive contact information. The application has functionality built in to save and edit at a later date, so you can gather the necessary information.  If you have any questions regarding the information requested, please contact us. 

Step Three: May - August 2020

Hospitals will receive File Checker Software that must be completed.....

Step Four: June - August

Hospital's clinical team identified on the application must participate in an intake meeting.

Step One: Review Eligibility and Expectations

Hospitals must review the ASPIRE Eligibility Requirements and Site Expectations

Step One: Review Eligibility and Expectations

Hospitals must review the ASPIRE Eligibility Requirements and Site Expectations