Inspired Oxygen Concentration During the Re-initiation of Two-Lung Ventilation in Thoracic Surgery: A Post Hoc Analysis of Data From the Multicenter Perioperative Outcomes Group
| Douville NJ | Blank RS | Anesth Analg | 2025 |
Individual and System-level Factors Contributing to Guideline Nonadherent Surgical Antibiotic Prophylaxis at a Tertiary Healthcare System: A Qualitative Analysis | Bardia A | Schonberger RB | Anesthesiology | 2025 |
Neuromuscular Blockade and Antagonism in Patients with Renal Impairment: A Multicenter Retrospective Cross Sectional Study | Elkhateb R | Colquhoun DA | Anesthesiology | 2025 |
International multi-institutional external validation of preoperative risk scores for 30-day in-hospital mortality in paediatric patients | Tangel VE | de Graaff JC | Br J Anaesth | 2024 |
Bronchial Blocker Versus Endobronchial Intubation in Young Children Undergoing One-Lung Ventilation: A Multicenter Retrospective Cohort Study | McLaughlin CS | Templeton TW | Anesth Analg | 2024 |
Association between inspired oxygen fraction and development of postoperative pulmonary complications in thoracic surgery: a multicentre retrospective cohort study | Douville NJ | Blank RS | Br J Anaesth | 2024 |
Determinants and practice variability of oxygen administration during surgery in the U.S., a retrospective cohort study | Billings FT | Kheterpal S | Anesthesiology | 2024 |
Opioid Dose Variation in Cardiac Surgery: A Multicenter Study of Practice | Fisher C | Schonberger RB | Anesth Analg | 2024 |
Intraoperative hypoglycemia among adults with intraoperative glucose measurements: a cross-sectional multicentre retrospective cohort study | Griffee MJ | Riegger LQ | Can J Anaesth | 2024 |
Identifying Variation in Intraoperative Management of Brain-Dead Organ Donors and Opportunities for Improvement: A Multicenter Perioperative Outcomes Group Analysis | Lele AV | Mathis MR | Anesth Analg | 2024 |
Exploring Anesthesia Provider Preferences for Precision Feedback: Preference Elicitation Study | Landis-Lewis Z | Shah N | JMIR Med Educ | 2024 |
Anesthesia Techniques for Vitreoretinal Surgery in the United States: A Report from the Multicenter Perioperative Outcomes Group Research Consortium | Chauhan MZ | Sallam AB | Am J Ophthalmol | 2024 |
Reduce intraoperative albumin utilisation in cardiac surgical patients: a quality improvement initiative | Savadjian AJ | Mamoun N | BMJ | 2024 |
Variability in Intraoperative Opioid and Nonopioid Utilization During Intracranial Surgery: A Multicenter, Retrospective Cohort Study | Naik BI | Dunn LK | J Neurosurg Anesthesiol | 2024 |
AcumenTM hypotension prediction index guidance for prevention and treatment of hypotension in noncardiac surgery: a prospective, single-arm, multicenter trial | Bao X | Maheshwari K | Perioperative Medicine | 2024 |
Perioperative mortality of the COVID-19 recovered patient compared to a matched control: A multicenter retrospective Cohort Study | Aziz MF | Mathis M | Anesthesiology | 2024 |
The Association of Guideline-Directed Prophylaxis With Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting in Adult Patients: A Single-Center, Retrospective Cohort Study | Andrew BY | Habib AS | Anesth Analg | 2024 |
Factors Associated With Decision to Use and Dosing of Sugammadex in Children: A Retrospective Cross-Sectional Observational Study | Brown SE | Colquhoun DA | Anesth Analg | 2024 |
Variation in Intraoperative Opioid Administration by Patient, Clinician, and Hospital Contribution | Burns ML | Vandervest J | JAMA Netw Open | 2024 |
Hypoxemia in school age children undergoing one-lung ventilation: A retrospective cohort study from the multicenter perioperative outcomes group (MPOG) | Templeton TW | Saha AK | Anesthesiology | 2024 |
The Association of Guideline-Directed Prophylaxis with Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting in Pediatric Patients: A Single-Center, Retrospective Cohort Study | Andrew BY | Taicher BM | Anesth Analg | 2023 |
Does anesthesia quality improvement participation lead to incremental savings in a surgical quality collaborative population? A retrospective observational study | Janda AM | Shah N | Anesth Analg | 2023 |
A retrospective observational cross-sectional study of intraoperative neuromuscular blocking agent choice and dosing in a US paediatric referral hospital before and after introduction of sugammadex | Brown | Colquhoun DA | Br J Anesth | 2023 |
Machine Learning for the Prediction of Procedural Case Durations Developed Using a Large Multicenter Database: Algorithm Development and Validation Study | Kendale S | Mathis M | JMIR AI | 2023 |
Cardiometabolic disease and obesity patterns differentially predict acute kidney injury after total joint replacement: a retrospective analysis | Leis AM | Carvonen-Gutierrez CA | BJA | 2023 |
Improving compliance with institutional performance on train of four monitoring | Santapuram P | Kertai MD | J Educ Perioper Med | 2023 |
Time-of-day dependent effects of midazolam administration on myocardial injury in non-cardiac surgery | Prin M | Eckle T | Front Cardiovasc Med | 2023 |
Hyperoxemia during cardiac surgery is associated with postoperative pulmonary complications | Douin DD | Clendenen N | Crit Care Explor | 2023 |
Antiemetic administration and its association with race: A retrospective cohort study | White RS | Pryor KO | Anesthesiology | 2023 |
Patient-, clinician-, and institution-level variation in inotrope use for cardiac surgery: A multicenter observational analysis | Mathis MR | Muehlschlegel D | Anesthesiology | 2023 |
Prolonged opioid use and pain outcome and associated factors after surgery under general anesthesia: A prospective cohort association multicenter study | Kuck K | Pace NL | Anesthesiology | 2023 |
Geospatial analysis of patients’ social determinants of health for health systems science and disparity research | Pearson J | Andreae | International Anesthesiology Clinics | 2023 |
Airway driving pressure is associated with postoperative pulmonary complications after major abdominal surgery: a multicentre retrospective observational cohort study | Douville N | Blank RS | BJA Open | 2022 |
Translating evidence into practice: still a way to go | Mcllroy DR | | British Journal of Anaesthesia | 2022 |
Demonstration and Performance Evaluation of Two Novel Algorithms for Removing Artifacts From Automated Intraoperative Temperature Data Sets: Multicenter, Observational, Retrospective Study | Bardia A | Schonberger R | JMIR Periop Med | 2022 |
Association of propofol induction dose and sever pre-incision hypotension among surgical patients over age 65 | Schonberger R | Bardia A | J Clin Anesthesia | 2022 |
Carbon Dioxide, Blood Pressure, and Perioperative Stroke: A Retrospective Case-Control Study | Vlisides P | Mashour G | Anesthesiology | 2022 |
Fluids, vasopressors, and acute kidney injury after major abdominal surgery between 2015 and 2019: a multicentre retrospective analysis | Chiu C | Legrand M | Br J Anaesth | 2022 |
Outlying end-tidal carbon dioxide during general anesthesia is associated with postoperative pulmonary complications: A multicenter tetrospective observational study from US hospitals between 2010 and 2017 | Akkermans A | van Klei W | Anesth Analg | 2022 |
Postoperative acute kidney injury by age and sex: a retrospective cohort association study | Privratsky JR | Krishnamoorthy V | Anesthesiology | 2022 |
Intraoperative use of albumin in major non-cardiac surgery: Incidence, variability, and association with outcomes | Lazzareschi DV | Legrand M | Ann Surg | 2022 |
Oxygen administration during surgery and postoperative organ injury: observational cohort study | McIlroy DR | Billings FT | BMJ | 2022 |
Multicentre analysis of practice patterns regarding benzodiazepine use in cardiac surgery | Janda AM | Mathis MR | Br J Anaesth | 2022 |
Association of anesthesiologist staffing ratio with surgical patient morbidity and mortality | Burns ML | Kheterpal S | JAMA Surg | 2022 |
Association between the choice of reversal agent for neuromuscular block and postoperative pulmonary complications in patients at increased risk undergoing non-emergency surgery: STIL-STRONGER, a multicentre matched cohort study | Colquhoun DA | Kheterpal S | Br J Anaesth | 2022 |
Assessment of perioperative outcomes among surgeons who operated the night before | Sun E. | Jena AB | JAMA Intern Med | 2022 |
Frequency and risk factors for difficult Intubation in women undergoing general anesthesia for cesarean delivery: A multicenter retrospective cohort analysis | Reale SC | Bateman BT | Anesthesiology | 2022 |
Adherence to guidelines for the administration of intraoperative antibiotics in a Nationwide US sample | Bardia A | Schonberger RB | JAMA Netw Open | 2021 |
Hypoxemia in young children undergoing one-lung ventilation: A retrospective cohort study | Templeton W | Saha AK | Anesthesiology | 2021 |
Outcomes of surgical patients during the first wave of COVID-19 pandemic in US hospitals | Mavrothalassitis O | Legrand M | Br J Anaesth | 2021 |
Practice patterns and variability in intraoperative opioid utilization: A report from the multicenter perioperative outcomes group | Naik BI | Pace NL | Anesth Analg | 2021 |
Variation in propofol induction doses administered to surgical patients over age 65 | Schonberger SB | Shah N | J Am Geriatr Soc | 2021 |
A lower tidal volume regimen during one-lung ventilation for lung resection surgery is not associated with reduced postoperative pulmonary complications | Colquhoun DA | Blank RS | Anesthesiology | 2021 |
Risk of Major Complications After Perioperative Norepinephrine Infusion Through Peripheral Intravenous Lines in a Multicenter Study | Pancaro C | Lirk P | Anesth Analg | 2020 |
Utilization patterns of perioperative neuromuscular blockade reversal in the United States: A retrospective observational study from the multicenter perioperative outcomes group | Dubovoy TZ | Vaughn MT | Anesth Analg | 2020 |
Sugammadex versus neostigmine for reversal of neruomuscular blockade and postoperative pulmonary complications (STRONGER): A multicenter matched cohort analysis | Kheterpal S | Saager L | Anesthesiology | 2020 |
The incidence of intraoperative hypotension in moderate to high risk patients underoing non-cardiac surgery: A retrospective multicenter observational analysis | Shah NJ | Kheterpal S | J Clinical Anesthesia | 2020 |
Risk factors for intraoperative hypoglycemia in children: A Multicenter Retrospective Cohort Study | Riegger LQ | Malviya S | Anesth Analg | 2020 |
Multicenter perioperative outcomes group enhanced observation study postoperative pain profies, analgesic use, and transition to chronic pain and excessive prologed opioid use patterns methodology | Stuart AR | Durieux ME | Anesth Analg | 2020 |
Considerations for integration of perioperative electronic health records across institutions for research and quality improvement: The approach taken by the multicenter perioperative outcomes group | Colquhoun DA | Mathis MR | Anesth Analg | 2020 |
Classification of current procedural terminology codes from electronic health record data using machine learning | Burns ML | Saager L | Anesthesiology | 2020 |
Periopertive risk and the association between hypotension and postoperative acute kidney injury | Mathis MR | Wedeven C | Anesthesiology | 2020 |
Making sense of big data to improve perioperative care: Learning health systems and the multicenter perioperative outcomes group | Mathis MR | Engoren MC | J Cardiothoracic Vascular Anesthesia | 2019 |
Improved compliance with anesthesia quality measures after implementation of automated monthly feedback | McCormick PJ | Tollinche L | J Oncol Pract | 2019 |
Association of overlapping surgery with perioperative outcomes | Sun E | Rishel CA | JAMA | 2019 |
An observational study of end-tidal carbon dioxide trends in general anesthesia | Akkermans A | Saager L | Can J Anaesth | 2018 |
Succinylcholine use and dantrolene availability for malignant hyperthermia treatment: Database analyses and systematic review | Larach, MG | Schonberger RB | Anesthesiology | 2018 |
Management of 1-lung ventilator – variation and trends in clinical practice: A report from the Multicenter Perioperative Outcomes Group | Colquhoun DA | Blank RS | Anesth Analg | 2018 |
Alarm limits for intraoperative drug infusions: A report from the Multicenter Perioperative Outcomes Group | Berman MF | Kheterpal S | Anesth Analg | 2017 |
Risk of epidural hematoma after neuraxial techniques in thrombocytopenic parturients: A report from the multicenter perioperative outcomes group | Lee LO | Bauer ME | Anesthesiology | 2017 |
Reference values for noninvasive blood pressure in children during anesthesia: A multicentered retrospective observational cohort study | de Graaff JC | van Klei WA | Anesthesiology | 2016 |
Success of intubation rescue techniques after failed direct laryngoscopy in adults: A retrospective comparative analysis from the Multicenter Perioperative Outcomes Group | Aziz MF | Kheterpal S | Anesthesiology | 2016 |
Intraoperative lung-protection ventilation treds and practice patterns: A report from the multicenter perioperative outcomes group | Bender SP | Kheterpal S | Anesth Analg | 2015 |
Incidence, predictors, and outcomes of difficult mask ventilation combined with difficult laryngoscopy: A report from the Multicenter Perioperative Outcomes Group | Kheterpal S | Tremper KK | Anesthesiology | 2013 |
The risk and outcomes of epidural hematomas after perioperative and obstetric epidural catheterization: A report from the Multicenter Perioperative Outcomes Group research consortium | Bateman BT | Sandberg WS | Anesth Analg | 2012 |
Perioperative effectiveness of research using large databases | Freundlich E | Kheterpal S | Best Bract Res Clin Anaesthesiol | 2011 |
Clinical research using an information system: The Multicenter Perioperative Outcomes Group | Kheterpal S | | Anesthesiol Clin | 2011 |