Through access to administrative data, postoperative testing, and integration with surgical outcomes registries, MPOG provides researchers with tools to execute multivariable analyses, associating perioperative practice patterns with postoperative outcomes. Such studies may be used to generate hypotheses to inform prospective multicenter clinical trials.
Example Studies:
Association of Overlapping Surgery With Perioperative Outcomes
Dr. Eric Sun
Stanford University
Risk of Epidural Hematoma after Neuraxial Techniques in Thrombocytopenic Parturients: A Report from the Multicenter Perioperative Outcomes Group
Dr. Linden Lee
Michigan Medicine
Management of One-lung Ventilation: Impact of Tidal Volume on Complications after Thoracic Surgery
Dr. Randall Blank
University of Virginia
Success of Intubation Rescue Techniques after Failed Direct Laryngoscopy in Adults: A Retrospective Comparative Analysis from the Multicenter Perioperative Outcomes Group
Dr. Mike Aziz
Oregon Health & Sciences University