October 2021 Upgrade

Active MPOG sites should have received the MPOG Suite upgrades in October 2021.  If your site did not receive the upgrade, please contact MPOG Support

Release Notes

General Suite

Added a link to the QI Dashboard in the main suite window

Case Validation

Added confirmation message when exiting app without having saved changes
Removed baseline BP question
Reduced required number of cases per month from 10 to 5
Updated question responses from yes/no to correct/incorrect

Case Viewer

Added a filter for location in case search
Added neuraxial chart section
Added obstetrics chart section
Added pain chart section
Updated PONV chart section definition
Updated H&P layout and included concepts
Added “Present on Admission” field for billing data
Added an original variable name column to the note details panel
Updated case search presets
Updated main graph to be larger
Updated staff, note, and lab sections to be collapsed by default
Updated outcomes tab to include information regarding imported registry data
Fixed a display issue where some monitor values had unnecessary decimals
Fixed a bug where anesthesia duration could be miscalculated for cases greater than 24 hours long


Added new diagnostic for Airway Placement
Added new diagnostic for Airway Type
Updated diagnostic for Surgical Incision
Updated diagnostic for Flows
Changed LMA and intubation diagnostics to have “extraneous” priority
Added diagnostic description when exporting results to file

Import Manager Assistant

Overview sections are now resizeable

Transfer App

Updated recommended setting to no longer include the current month
Current mode settings are now highlighted

Variable Mapping

Updated premapping list
Added filter for excluded variables
Added filter for premapped variables

Import Manager Infrastructure

Changed default behavior for lab extract, now assumes case-linked extract instead of date-linked

For any inquiries please email