COVID-19 Updates from MPOG
- April 16, 2020
Dear Colleagues,
All of us at the MPOG coordinating center wanted to thank you for helping prepare and take care of our patients during the COVID–19 pandemic. We understand that our sites are focused on addressing the current situation and so may not be able to submit data on the usual schedule or have time to work on research projects. On our end, the MPOG staff have been working remotely and all systems (central registry, measure dashboard, website, and other apps) are up and running. MPOG research faculty and staff are also working remotely so responses may be a bit delayed. Please contact us for any issues or questions.
There has been a ton of communication in the anesthesia community (via email, Twitter, web, etc) around how to prepare for COVID–19 patients. The ASA has created a web page to share information as well (https://www.asahq.org/about-asa/governance-and-committees/asa-committees/committee-on-occupational-health/coronavirus). Additionally, if anyone is interested in specific processes and protocols that the University of Michigan has put in place, please do not hesitate to reach out.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us.
Stay well!